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Signs of Jealous and Insecure People

The Jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves - William Penn

We all encounter Jealous and Insecure people in our lives, be it in form of our peers, colleagues, family friends, friends, relatives, that one cousin who does not have anything good to talk about you but makes sure to keep an eye on you, that one best friend or close friend who innately competes with you and want to do everything you are doing in your life as they feel that they are much better and ahead of you in terms of superficial aspects and that they deserve the best and you deserve good but not the best. Sadly, for one it was about building lifelong affectionate connection while for the other person we were just a competition. It all became one sided be it genuine love and care or be it hatred and envy. All the little things did not matter because "I AM THE BEST, I AM PERFECT" its only me for the other person. Here are signs of Jealous and Insecure people to spot on. #iamperfect

They Indirectly cut you off & Change the topic

Cutting off can mean cutting out of some ones life, their life or between a conversation in a group setting to divert attention from you to them and to also show that they know more about things and world and they are better than you. Cutting off indirectly out of some ones life to make place for themselves specially if that someone is of importance on superficial level like someone is popular, rich, or beautiful that is bringing something on to the table for them or just an opportunity to grow and grab attention of better people, circle and class. Cutting out of their life happens when a person can not digest your success and makes them insecure about their life goals as the attention comes on you instead of them. Change the topic mostly means give me more attention! Talking about things only they know more about to boast.

They Boast About their Own Achievements and Success

You know the people who on your any event, or gathering start talking about themselves loudly? This is a huge sign of jealousy and it shows that one is not happy to see you happy and try to grab opportunities to belittle you in direct or indirect ways.

They show Fake appreciation

They fake praise you when you achieve something or just in daily life activities you do something they fake praise you pose as a well wisher but nothing comes from their heart as personally they are not happy and they believe they are better but still cant show it out just to remain in good books. #fakelove

They say Subtle Passive-Aggressive & Toxic Comments

Such people will say 5 good things about you only to say 20 bad or negative things in the end, talking and reminding you of something you did when you were like 8, and sometimes its just bout of envy coming out in form of subtle irritation only to demotivate you, or to take you off from your track, take out their hidden frustration in subtle manner. The loudest form of this will be toxic domination.

They try to take Credits in your Success

In case you did not succeed in your life you remain a garbage, someone who is of no use, nothing in front them but in case you achieve success the fake praise part walks in, They try taking credits of tiniest of things and suddenly you become the person whom they always had faith in but guess what? They are still better than you. LOL

They Ask you Uncomfortable & Scrutinizing Questions

Be it alone, be it in public or in a group gathering. This is a form of subtle or indirect way of bullying. Simply make the person feel terrible about themselves or for a situation. Belittle as much as you can as he or she is happy or doing how meaningful.

The objective to discuss these signs is to recognize your potential enemies. Everyone has right to success but putting people down to raise yourself up is unwise, even if you are doing it behind the back it is still unwise. One who lives in such constant patterns does a lot of damage to their mental well being. Such people forget to draw boundaries and often start treating and viewing everyone doing better in their life as their enemy or competition. It is making your mental and emotional go through unnecessary self created stigmas which at times cause irrepairable damage to your wellbeing. Jealousy is not going to change any ones luck but your determination, consistent focus and hard work will definitely do some miracle. Try to keep your boundaries intact and recognise these red flags before it's too late as you can get PLAYED.


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