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Signs You Need a Break

Take a Break and give your soul what it needs.

Audrey Kitching

We all are so busy today that some of us have not lived our lives to the fullest. It is all about money, status, more money, promotion, dealing with toxic people, and going through toxic cultures to reach a level. We are missing out on love, meaningful connection, and things that are suffering with us as they too need time, nurturance, love, and attention just like you which is absent.

The question is not whether we do reach our goals or not, some people are finding it hard to make a living for themselves despite years of effort and hard work while there are people who are becoming CEOs at quite a young age. In some cases it is exactly the opposite, youngsters are finding it hard to accept failures and dejections while 55-year-olds are restarting their lives and becoming successful entrepreneurs post their retirement or years of being a homemaker.

We often forget to make time for ourselves and keep our soulful needs thirsty due to which we end up feeling aloof, detached, confused, unfulfilled, and incomplete, or like something is lost within, and many other consequences. Here are signs that you desperately need a break and go on a vacation, or pursue that long lost hobby you were once passionate about.

Awake for Hours at Night.

Just lying on the bed feeling blank and sleepless? It is your body alarming you, when you overwork yourself your body gets to staying on your toes all the time now that you are resting your body and mind are still working or feeling anxious by doing nothing. It is time to get some rest or practice some meditation and breathing exercises.

Eating Differently

When you have too much in your head your appetite gets affected. You would either eat a lot or your appetite will just be reduced to eating nothing at all. Feeling heavy is very common in both cases. Mindful balanced eating should be the goal.

Zoning out and Spending Alone time more.

Zoning out from the moment is an indication of not living in the present moment and spending alone time more can indicate that you are being protective of yourself or disinterested in things, people, and situations around you. These behaviors can be the results of exhaustion or some traumatic events.

Falling Sick Frequently

Feeling stressed all the time, imbalanced diet, keeping yourself on the negative heaviness, dull side of life, and not getting enough sleep would affect one's immunity in the long run, It will affect your health where one can start keeping unwell quite frequently. It is your body's cry for help as it is coming near saturation point as it is working but not resting well enough. Exhaustion in this case can be very severe.

Feeling Demotivated, Depressed, and Cynical.

Feeling demotivated, depressed, and getting not-so-good thoughts about life and the people around you is very obvious. Try to introduce some hobbies into your life, revive any old ones that you were passionate about, go out to eat your favorite food, or spend time with people whom you haven't connected with in a long time now, join workshops, go to the gym or for a quick run. All these things will help you towards the purpose of your life and will help you in embracing the moment.

One can always choose to take a break, risk to restart afresh, you can always follow your dreams along with living your life. No book tells that one should neglect their soul needs and compromise living in ways that are defined by our society. Working in a 9 to 5 job setting and still taking out time to text your loved ones, meet your parents, go a little extra mile for things you love and crave, things and people whom you see yourself within the coming 5 years matter, they do need your attention and by you giving them attention and nurturance they need you are also fulfilling your soul need, you too are prioritizing yourself.

You can always unwind, relive, and restart. Be You.


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